IBF Foundation is proud participant to Torino Skills City project
  • CATEGORY: Traineeships

IBF Foundation was invited by ETF European Training Foundation and ITC/ILO International Labour Organisation of the UN, to participate to the works on Torino Skills City, discussing local solutions for the future of work and lifelong learning.

The first phase of this interesting project ended in a two day International Knowledge-Sharing Forum dedicated to experts to promote high-level reflection around the future of skills and lifelong learning. This special event was an opportunity to reflect on the changing world of work and the role of lifelong learning in addressing the challenges caused
by these changes.

The event has also provided the platform to:

 work multilaterally and develop solutions together in the context of megatrends
and challenges, and translate this operationally by working on concrete
challenges posed by the city hosting both ITCILO and the ETF: the city of

 bring and share with experts from the skills development space, at a global
scale, ranging from high-level public actors in charge of policy making and
shaping, funding and regulating authorities to local lifelong learning-focused
authorities, from social partners representatives to civil society and academia
experts, from company owners to youth leaders;

 bring ground-breaking keynote speakers to lead the participants into an
Experts’ Hackathon, the aim of which will be to respond to the Torino
Challenge, with an eye to find global solutions for changing cities.

We are very proud to be part of this reflection on the future of work and lifelong learning!

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